It says it cost $100 to buy ammo and it really cost $1,000... Note that this is in the game money not actual real life money
I was so excited about playing the game but every time I tried to start it up it went black and sent me back to the home screen so big let down
Its an amazing game but it needs some new features. Like new guns or new places to go besides "Muerta vista" and the other 2 maps
Great shooter game. Endless hours of fun!!!
This game is so boring! (Plus its way to hard at the beginning.)
There should be a campaign and like a story mode then it would be more fun and people would buy more stuff
When you shoot the zombies head its not a head shot neather with the body so i get paid back by LOOSING dont LOL tris game ITS A RIP OFF
Call of mini sniper shot Basicly better then call of mini double shot. Call of mini sniper shot what I do and dont like: Do: Awesome map designs , cool wepons , like the guard tower dude ( bob ). The upgrades also help out. DONTS: Invisable walls near buildings! I want to save a dude and I see him getting killed so i shoot and it dosent hit him so I used an RPG and boom dident kill them so INVISABLE WALLS! Also enemies get too strong and you cant stop then like the swat zombie when your new like HELP! And one more thing watched a video for a tcrystal and it took me a day to find out I had to wait a little while sorry about that last complaine but still fix your shiz and ill mabye raise my rating good day! ( com double shot is worse ).
You guys should but multi player and every time we get head shot let it get a bonus points on it and also add in a third person to help you snipe zombies and let there be more weapons.
Look the game is fun but the guns cost to much if you could lower the prices it Would be beater
You should add multiplayer to make it more fun and sorta like COM Infinity
I do not know where to begin. Played trinitis other zombie mini games. In this game if you want to get anything past the first sortie on ANY phone dont. Dont spend money, just dont download. Its a sniper game where you cant upgrade your character or your weapons. Even worse, 1st time I played got 900 cash. The game lasted 30s, second time I played lasted 10 mins and got 980 cash. Its not worth playing. Period.
I played most of com and this is the worst I spent a lot of money on the other and hours And I just didnt like it the gameplay sucked And I did not play because the weapons needed actual money for new weapons they were expensive and each level was to long